Selected Invited Talks
21. Synthetic Biology: concept, applications and governance
Finland India Network of Researchers and Academics. FINERAC Day 2022
Bio-Technology – Sharing Scientific Research and Best Practices in Finland and India
Indian Embassy, Finland, Aug 19, 2022
20. The Dark Genome: Emergence of Functional Genomics 2.0.
India EMBO Lecture Course. Regional Centre for Biotechnology. Faridabad. Aug 17, 2022
19. Genome Editing.
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Aug 2020
18. India-US Strategic Dialogue on Biosecurity,
UPCM Centre for Health Security, Washington. Sept 20-21, 2016
17. Building the leaders of tomorrow. BRICS Education Conclave.
Asia Pacific Institute of Management, New Delhi. May 20-21, 2016
16. The Pace and Proliferation of Emerging Biological Technologies:
A Critical Appraisal.
INSA and US National Academies of Sciences meeting on
"Building Regional Capacity to Tackle Challenges of Emerging
Infections and Global Health Safety”, Seychelles May 09-11, 2016
15. Challenges in Synthetic Biology. Indo-US Workshop on
“Challenges of Emerging Infections and Global Health Safety”
INSA and US National Academy of Sciences (NAS), New Delhi,
Nov 2014
14. Emerging Synthetic biology trends in India
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, The Hague, Apr 2013
13. Synthetic biology and biomediated synthesis of organic chemicals
IUPAC- National Academies of Sciences, USA, Speiz Laboratory, Zurich, Feb 2012
12. Challenges in Synthetic Biology. Indo-US Workshop on
“Challenges of Emerging Infections and Global Health Safety”
INSA and US National Academy of Sciences (NAS), New Delhi,
Nov 2014
11. Emerging Synthetic biology trends in India
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,
The Hague, Apr 2013 VIDEO LINK HERE
10. Synthetic biology and biomediated synthesis of organic chemicals
IUPAC- National Academies of Sciences, USA, Speiz Laboratory, Zurich, Feb 2012
9. Emerging Trends in Synthetic Biology (Plenary)
Trends in Science and Technology Relevant to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
IAP, IUMS, IUBMB, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Academies of Sciences USA , Beijing, China Oct. 2010
8. Synthetic Biology in India and Japan
European Science Commission meeting on Synthetic Biology, Brussels, March 2010
7. Making genes from junk DNA
Pathways and Networks Conference, Corfu Island, Greece, May 2009
6. Cellware ‐ a computational systems biology platform
Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Singapore, Jan 2005
5. Finding organizing principles in biological networks,
Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (Co‐Organizer). Singapore, Jan 2005
4. Building computational chassis of a virtual cell
HUGO Pacific conference, Singapore, Nov. 2004
3. Modeling cellular life in‐silico
Ist International Bioengineering Conference, Singapore, Sep. 2004
2. Systems Biology – the emergence of convergence
Novartis, Singapore, Mar. 2004
1. The interface of biology with information technology (session chair)
A*STAR‐National Research Council, Canada Workshop, Mar. 2003