DBT funded training program in SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY
Jointly organized by
Prof. Pawan K. Dhar, School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Prof. Bright Singh, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala
Prof. Joseph Selvin, Associate Professor & Head, Microbiology lab, Pondicherry University, Pudducherry
BATCH 1: Jun 01, 2018 - Nov 30, 2018
BATCH 2: Dec 01, 2018 - May 31, 2019
BATCH 3: Jun 01, 2019 - Nov 30, 2019
BATCH 4: Dec 01, 2019 - May 31, 2020
BATCH 5 June 01, 2020 – Nov 30, 2020
BATCH 6: Jan 01, 2021 – June 30, 2021
Total number of students trained: 45
understand fundamental engineering concepts applicable to biological engineering
recognize key research work from academia & industry towards practical applications
receive hands on training with computational and experimental synthetic biology
practically work on a specific example taken from marine organism
get acquainted with ethical, biosafety and biosecurity aspects of synthetic biology
THEORY: Introduction to logic gates, analog and digital systems, historical perspective of synthetic biology, biobricks, MIT Registry of standard Biological parts, gene truth table, synthetic genes and proteins, repressilator, bacterial camera, toggle switch, minimal synthetic cell, synthesizing genome, bioCAD platforms, iGEM, ethics, safety, industrial applications
EXPERIMENTAL: computational biocircuit design, cell culture, promoter design, vector construction, cloning, expression measurement, biobrick / non-biobricks datasheet, synthetic genes and proteins Techniques of whole transcriptome library production and de novo assembly, quantitative real‐time PCR techniques in analysis of gene-expression pattern, generation of regulatory network models using transcriptome data and gene expression pattern analysis (pyocyanin synthesis pathway of Psuedomonas aeruginosa will be used as the model).